Symbology of the Eye
The Eye is a Universal symbol that has roots in various cultures and locations all over the world. While in contemporary culture the eye has come to be associated with more benevolent ideas such as the Illuminati, Big Brother, and elitist control, the original meaning behind this symbol has a much more powerful and positive meaning. Like many popular symbols, the meaning of the eye has morphed over time and been hijacked to benefit the motives and self interest of small elitist groups. Groups whose motives are often fueled by domination, control, and greed. My hopes are that in revisiting some of the original intentions behind this symbol we can reclaim it’s true identity as an emblem of protection, faith, and creative energy.
The Eye of Horus also resembles the cross section of the mid part of the brain where the thalamus, the pineal, and the pituitary glands are situated. The pineal gland is often what is referred to as the “third eye” and the centre of spiritual insight and can be developed in a person. While this may be sheer coincidence, it is interesting to note the connection between the two and that this particular part of the brain, which is considered the seat of consciousness, resembles an eye - the gateway to being.
Another variation of the eye which is very popular today and still holds true to its original meaning is the Evil Eye. This apotropaic visual device is known to have been a fixture in Greece and dates back to at least the 6th century BC, but also holds meaning in various parts of the Mediterranean and Middle East. It is commonly represented by the Nazar, which is made of blue glass and used as a talisman to deflect the evil eye. The evil eye is believed to be a curse that is cast by a malevolent glare from an individual who is jealous or otherwise malicious. The talisman offers protection to the wearer and is believed to deflect the curse.
In Christianity the eye, specifically referred to as The Eye of Providence, is a very important symbol in Christian Iconography. It is depicted as an eye surrounded by rays of light and enclosed in a triangle. It represents the Eye of God that watches over humanity. Notice that this particular variation of the symbol later came to have specific negative connotations as it became the symbol of the Freemasons and can now be found on the U.S. dollar bill. Ironically, many Christian critics of Freemasonry who are in opposition claim that Freemasonry involves the worship of Satan. While in this context the eye was used to represent the omniscience of God, it has been twisted into a power symbol representing the elites peering upon humanity atop their pyramid and printed on the back of the mighty dollar.
References to the Eye can be found as early as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. In India we find the precursor to what eventually became known as the All Seeing Eye in a sanskrit text called the Rig Veda which is believed to have been written over 3,000 years ago. It is one of the oldest known texts. Within the text there are several references to the sun and other deities as being an eye in heaven, an eye which never closes, or as an eye which reveals creation. In ancient Egypt, the all-seeing eye was known as the Eye of Ra, or the Eye of Horus. Through various myths they were symbols of protection, healing, and restoration. The right eye of Horus was said to be the sun and his left eye the moon.
Another variation of this is known as the Hamsa, Khamsa, Hamesh, Hand of Fatima in Islam, and the Hand of Miriam in Judaism. In Islamic tradition is it also known as Abbas Hand - Abba was the Uncle of the Prophet Mohammed. In India it is known as the Humsa Hand. It is a palm shaped symbol with an eye in the center and is seen in the form of amulets, charms, and wall hangings. Just like the Nazar it is believed to protect against the evil eye and any bad luck that is caused by the malice and jealousy of others. It also protects against danger in general.
As you can see, throughout history there has been a strong tradition regarding the eye that has transcended across time, continents, and various cultures of it representing ideas that are innately good - a benevolent creator, universal creative force, protection, and spiritual insight. While in some instances it has been hijacked to represent more unfavorable ideas or entities, it’s deep rooted acceptance as a symbol representing affirmative ideologies still holds true. Unfortunately the hunger for power is a very prominent trait within humanity and a symbol that was originally meant to represent the all seeing ability of the ultimate creative force has now come to represent an abusive power struggle and the invasion of privacy via governing forces. In revisiting the origins of prominent symbols we can reconnect to their original intentions and take away power from any existing manipulations of the symbols that have occurred over time.
With regard to the Ojo de Dios design, this talisman encompasses all of these ideas. While it does serve as an amulet of protection, the primary intention of this design is to channel divine energy and creative force. It is made to act as a reminder of the Great Spirit that does keep a watchful gaze on us at all times. It is to remind us that even when we are not in the physical presence of another, our choices and actions are still under observation. It helps us to channel creative energy and affirmative action. It reminds us that we are never alone, and that as long as we can connect to the divine energy that flows through us and connects us to the world around us, our hearts will never be led astray.